Automated Greenwashing Detection System#


This research proposes the development of an Automated Greenwashing Detection (AGD) System, utilizing advancements in semantic analysis, knowledge graphs, and multimodal fact-checking. Designed to combat greenwashing in corporate communications, the AGD system aims to accurately verify environmental claims. It will leverage a specialized environmental claims knowledge graph and employ multimodal data analysis alongside advanced semantic similarity models for comprehensive claim verification.


The increasing trend of greenwashing, where corporations make misleading claims about their environmental practices, necessitates robust detection mechanisms. This research adapts automated fact-checking methodologies to specifically target corporate environmental claims. It integrates multimodal data analysis and semantic technologies to ensure thorough and precise claim verification.


  1. Knowledge Graph Construction: Develop a specialized knowledge graph tailored to environmental information and claims, enhancing the contextual understanding of claims.

  2. Multimodal Data Analysis: Integrate and analyze textual, visual, and auditory data from corporate communications for a holistic evaluation of claims.

  3. Semantic Claim Verification: Utilize advanced semantic similarity models to assess the veracity of environmental claims against established facts and regulations.

Literature Review#

This literature review focuses on the approaches to detecting greenwashing and the emerging role of Automated Greenwashing Detection (AGD) systems. It synthesizes current methodologies, the effectiveness of various detection strategies, and the potential of advanced technologies in enhancing corporate transparency and accountability in environmental reporting.

Approaches to Detecting Greenwashing#

  • Framework Development: Emphasis on creating frameworks that evaluate the truthfulness of green claims across sectors, identifying superficial compliance and symbolic greenwashing actions. [Nemes et al., 2022]

  • Policy Analysis: A multidimensional approach to policy analysis, including compliance, ambition, and symbolic nature, reveals underlying greenwashing tactics. [Cordero, 2022]

  • Regulatory Guidance: Implementation of guidelines like the UK Competition and Markets Authority’s Green Claims Code to ensure accurate environmental communication by businesses. [Team, 2023]

Effectiveness of Detection Methodologies#

  • Environmental Management Analysis: Focusing on internal and external environmental management strategies to minimize greenwashing. [Elena et al., 2022]

  • Signaling Theory Application: Investigating deceptive marketing practices and their impact on perceived green organization image. [Speckemeier and Tsivrikos, 2022]

Impact on Corporate Transparency#

  • Automated Text Analysis: Rapid and accurate analysis of sustainability reports to detect misleading disclosures. [Ghitti et al., 2023]

  • AI and Machine Learning Integration: Leveraging AI to analyze complex relationships between greenwashing, sustainability reporting, and corporate accountability. [Perkiss et al., 2020]

  • Standardization and Monitoring: Promoting environmental rating standardization and rigorous monitoring to curb greenwashing. [Ghitti et al., 2023]

Automated Detection Systems#

  • Semantic Similarity Models: Larraz et al. [2023] highlight the use of semantic similarity models in detecting repeated falsehoods in political discourse, which can be adapted for greenwashing detection.

  • Knowledge Graphs in Fact-Checking: Wang et al. [2021] and Luo and Long [2021] discuss the application of knowledge graphs for fact verification, crucial for assessing environmental claims.

  • Multimodal Fact-Checking Approaches: Chang et al. [2021]’s work on leveraging natural language processing and graph representation learning for semantic similarity assessment underscores the potential of these techniques in AGD systems.

  • Enhanced Fact-Checking Models: Various studies, including Kelk et al. [2022] and Wang et al. [2021] contribute to the understanding of fact-checking in the context of greenwashing, showcasing the advancements in AI and machine learning for detecting deceptive environmental claims.


  • Data Collection: Compile a dataset of environmental claims from various corporate communications for analysis.

  • Knowledge Graph Development: Build a detailed knowledge graph incorporating environmental regulations, standards, and factual data.

  • Multimodal Analysis Implementation: Apply techniques to process and analyze different types of data related to environmental claims.

  • Semantic Similarity Assessment: Develop and utilize semantic similarity models to evaluate the accuracy of environmental claims.

Expected Outcomes and Impact#

  • The creation of an effective tool for detecting greenwashing, enhancing transparency and accountability in corporate environmental reporting.

  • Contributions to the domains of automated fact-checking, environmental science, and corporate governance.

  • Promotion of ethical and environmentally responsible business practices through rigorous claim verification.


This research on the AGD system aims to address the pressing issue of greenwashing in corporate sectors. By leveraging advanced technology and diverse data, the system is expected to deliver accurate and reliable verification of environmental claims, fostering a more transparent and responsible corporate environment.



David Chang, Eric C. Lin, Cynthia Brandt, and Richard Andrew Taylor. Incorporating domain knowledge into language models by using graph convolutional networks for assessing semantic textual similarity: model development and performance comparison. JMIR medical informatics, 2021. doi:10.2196/23101.


Arkangel Miguel Cordero. Greenwashing through compliance to renewable portfolio standards. Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, 2022. doi:10.4337/9781839105340.00040.


Pavlova Elena, A.R. Druzhinina, and D.S. Ivanov. Analysis of the methods of external and internal environmental management of organizations, ways to minimize greenwashing. Economics and Environmental Management, 2022. doi:10.17586/2310-1172-2022-15-1-126-133.

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Marco Ghitti, Gianfranco Gianfrate, and Lorenza Palma. The agency of greenwashing. Journal of Management and Governance, pages 1–37, 2023.


Ian Kelk, Benjamin Basseri, Wee Lee, Richard Qiu, and Chris Tanner. Automatic fake news detection: are current models “fact-checking” or“gut-checking”? In Proceedings of the Fifth Fact Extraction and VERification Workshop (FEVER), 29–36. Dublin, Ireland, May 2022. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:, doi:10.18653/v1/2022.fever-1.4.


Irene Larraz, Ruben Miguez, and Francesca Sallicati. Semantic similarity models for automated fact-checking: claimcheck as a claim matching tool. Profesional De La Informacion, 2023. URL:, doi:10.3145/epi.2023.may.21.


Weichen Luo and Cheng Long. Fact Checking on Knowledge Graphs. Springer International Publishing, 2021. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-62696-9_7.


Noémi Nemes, Stephen J Scanlan, Pete Smith, Tone Smith, Melissa Aronczyk, Stephanie Hill, Simon L Lewis, A Wren Montgomery, Francesco N Tubiello, and Doreen Stabinsky. An integrated framework to assess greenwashing. Sustainability, 14(8):4431–4431, 2022. URL:, doi:10.3390/su14084431.


Stephanie Perkiss, Leopold Bayerlein, and Bonnie Amelia Dean. Facilitating accountability in corporate sustainability reporting through spotlight accounting. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 34(2):397–420, 2020. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-08-2019-4142.


Lars Speckemeier and Dimitrios Tsivrikos. Evidence of greenwashing in talent attraction: is deceptive marketing an effective recruiting strategy? European Journal of Business and Management Research, 7(3):14–25, 2022.


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