
Title: Bibformer: Revolutionizing Bibliometrics and Scientometrics with Large Language Models


This proposal introduces Bibformer, a novel approach to bibliometric and scientometric analysis that leverages the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate interpretation, perform semantic analysis, and predict trends. By incorporating vector embeddings of scientific papers into graph network methodologies, Bibformer provides a richer representation of bibliometric data and enables more nuanced analyses. The proposal discusses the methodology and potential applications of Bibformer, highlighting its potential to transform the field of bibliometrics and scientometrics.


Bibliometrics and scientometrics are interdisciplinary fields that employ quantitative analysis and statistics to describe patterns of publication within a given field or body of literature. As a crucial component of research evaluation and scientific policy development, these fields provide insights into the structure, dynamics, and evolution of scientific research. However, the traditional methodologies employed in bibliometrics and scientometrics often involve manual, time-consuming processes that require substantial expertise. This proposal presents Bibformer, a novel approach that leverages the power of LLMs to transform the field of bibliometrics and scientometrics. Bibformer aims to automate the interpretation of bibliometric graph networks, perform semantic analysis of scientific literature, and predict future trends in scientific research.


Bibformer incorporates three key components: automated interpretation, semantic analysis, and trend prediction.

Generating Vector Embeddings#

The first step in the Bibformer methodology involves generating vector embeddings for each scientific paper. This is accomplished using LLMs, which convert the textual content of each paper (e.g., title, abstract, keywords, or full text) into a high-dimensional vector that captures its semantic meaning.

Incorporating Embeddings into Graph Networks#

Once the vector embeddings have been generated, they are incorporated into the bibliometric graph networks. Each node in the network, representing a scientific paper, is associated with its corresponding vector embedding. These embeddings serve as node features, providing additional information that can be used by the graph algorithms.

Graph Learning with Embeddings#

With the graph network enriched with vector embeddings, the next step involves applying graph learning algorithms to perform tasks like clustering, classification, or link prediction. These algorithms leverage the node features and edge weights to identify patterns in the data and make predictions.

Trend Prediction and Identifying Research Gaps#

The final and most crucial step in the Bibformer methodology involves using the LLMs to predict future trends in scientific research and identify gaps in the existing body of literature. This is accomplished by analyzing the evolution of the graph network over time, as well as the changes in the vector embeddings of the papers.


Bibformer represents a significant advancement in the field of bibliometrics and scientometrics. By leveraging the power of LLMs and incorporating vector embeddings into graph network methodologies, it provides a more accurate, comprehensive, and automated approach to bibliometric and scientometric analysis. Future work will focus on further refining the methodology and exploring its potential applications in various scientific fields.
